2017年5月5日 星期五



在Bar(0x10)MMIO 或 Bar(0x20)IO的位置都可以

1.Offset:00h下FFh //reset
2.Offset:04h下smbus address (read bit0:1 , Ex : read memory DIMM0 address A1h)
4.Offset:02h下48h read byte command, 4Ch read word command, 54h read block command)
5.Offset:05讀取spd data

針對DDR4 SPD 超過256byte的讀法需要做Switch page (先下dummy cmd to switch page在下正常的SPD address to read)

#define SPD_PAGE_ADDRESS_0           (0x6C)
#define SPD_PAGE_ADDRESS_1           (0x6E)

//Dummy cmd to switch
offset 00 下ff 先清status
offset 04 下6e page1
offset 02 下48 會看到offset00 變44 or 42

//Normal read SPD data from page1 - index 40h
再來讀index 40
offset 00 下 ff 清status
offset 04 下 a1
offset 03 下 40
offset 02 下 48

看offset00 應該要42 表 success

參考資料 :
  1. Trying to read DDR4 SPD? They have 2 pages of 256 bytes each, and you need a dummy write to a special predefined address 0x6E to switch all SPD chips to page 1 (where your byte 320 is located), and than write to 0x6C switch them back to page 0 (to prevent an SPD read failure during next boot). Read this datasheet on page 12 for more info.

關於SMBUS讀取SPD前, 須注意是否有 SPDWD.

SPD Write Disable (SPDWD): When this bit is set to 1, writes to SMBus addresses



UEFI 基本架構

Introduction  UEFI   UEFI是英文Extensible Firmware Interfaces的縮寫,  由Intel提出的.  以下有幾個重要的名稱跟UEFI架構息息相關 (Key Concepts) : UEFI System Table Dat...